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Hi Suzanne, Sorry to hear that, please give our Customer Care team a call on 01926 332153, and they will look into it for you. Alternatively, you can email them on

Thanks for your enquiry. Yes, you can use this service to call from a UK landline to a French mobile; A mobile service also is available - see link on the same page.

No, it is a pre-paid solution and credit expires every 30 days and you then add another bundle.

The best option for a pre-paid/payg data option for S America is this;

Correction, the 200MB bundle is now $49.00 and we'll update the page asap.

Apologies, the page was recently updated with countries covered but the pricing has been missed - 200MB $69.00, 1GB $99.00

Hi, some networks take a more leniant approach, others can charge what they wish and that is why we don't publish rates but ask people to check. Our focus is on providing you, as a traveller, the SIM to save money - low cost outbound calls and free inbound. The large networks see it as an opportunity to profit unfortunately, hence their charges - they don't need to charge a premium but some do. We are always on the look out for a SIM that is cheaper for calling in to but there are none available that meet our brief.

Sorry to hear that, it depends which type of SIM you have - USA SIMs will only connect once you arrive for instance.

Please confirm your order number or SIM phone number so we can investigate.

Yes, you can use a data SIM in an ipad - if it is a GSM version (that accepts a SIM). If it is wifi only then you can still use a mifi device with a data SIM in it to connect the ipad.

Please refer to your user guide for your specific SIM card and access your on-line account to add / manage your balance.